Title:'Changewater NJ'
Title:'Changewater NJ'

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The Land of Make Believe

A family water and amusement park serving the tri-state area for over half a decade, a trip to the Land of Make Believe is guaranteed to be an action-packed day of family fun. Here you will find exciting rides, shows, attractions, games, and a waterpark.

354 Great Meadows Road
Rt. 611
Hope, New Jersey 07844


Prices: Admission price includes ALL Rides, Shows, Attractions, Family Picnic Grove, and Pirate’s Cove WaterPark. Adults: $19.00, Children (2-18): $21.00, Senior Citizens (62 & up): $17.00, Children under 24 months: FREE

Hours: Open for the public weekends only starting Memorial Day weekend (including Memorial Day Monday) thru 2nd weekend in June. Open for the public DAILY from the 3rd Saturday in June thru Labor Day.Hours are 10:00am-6:00pm throughout the season.